We Are Legion

We Are Legion
3 min readOct 22, 2022


My name is Legion, for we are many.

We Are A Movement.

We Are A Philosophy.

We Are Legion.

“that these dead shall not have died in vain– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth” (U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863)

Of the people, by the people, for the people. It is in this spirit that We Are Legion was born.

Crypto has become a toxic place over the past few years. The early days were all about hope and excitement, a new model of decentralisation and people power, but we have since descended into a world of fear and doubt.

The whales and scammers now rule the space. The Crypto revolution that began with a promise of freedom has turned into one of repression. This is the polar opposite of why Crypto was created. Satoshi is likely rolling in his grave.

I myself started my crypto journey a good few years ago with a very successful NFT project. It has since failed, as so many have. We didn’t change quickly enough in a highly competitive market. Many lessons were learned. As in life, sometimes it’s the failures that are of most benefit as they teach you lessons you never forget. But I observed first hand what a group of dedicated people could achieve with common goals and a shared philosophy, but also began to see the darker side of the Crypto space as greed and self interest began to raise its ugly head.

But there is hope.

I believe we are entering a new phase in the Crypto space, where the power and control will be once again returned to the people. Crypto needs to get back to its roots of Decentralisation and Freedom. It is with this in mind we have created We Are Legion.

We Fair Launched the token on the 21st October 2022. From the start we tried to do things differently. There were no “team snipers” which seems to be standard these days, the launch was clean, the contract was renounced and the LP was locked. We had a small handful of calls which helped us with the initial momentum. Since then the marketing funds have been used for buy backs and LP increases, all done openly. We are active in VC daily, answering questions and listening to community suggestions. Our Telegram chat is intentionally low-key, talk of Moon and 1000x are discouraged. We aim to grow slowly and sustainably. “Slow and steady wins the race”

Where we will go from here is unknown. We are a Community Project and the community will decide. All we know is that together we are stronger, together we will overcome.

Freedom from tyranny and oppression. Freedom from the vice-like grip of the machine. We start our journey together and race bravely into the unknown.

We Are Legion.

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